

  This study was conducted in order to characterize the effect of different levels of dietary vitamin C on the immune system of Barbuas grypus. For this purpose 300 Barbuas grypus were divided into 15 groups( 5 treatments [b1] each with 3 replicate) . Five levels of vitamin C (0, 200 ,400,800,1600 mg kg-1 diet) and their combination were used to prepare five experimental diets. The fish were fed 3% of their wet body weight /day for a 60 days period. Blood samples were obtained from six fish of each tank at the end of experiment and following parameters were measured: white blood cell count (WBC ( and leucocytes differential count . According to the results , a significant increased was observed in the white blood cell count between treatments compared to the control group(p≤0.05). The results of differential count of leucocytes revealed significant differences in nuetrophils between treatments compared to control group (p≤0.05) , and the low number was recorded in control group.     [b1] لطفا کادر اطراف چکیده لاتین را بردارید متشکرم
