Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this work is to investigate Pseudomonas sp. as biosorbent, for the fixation of nickel ions in batch reactor. Pollution of the environment by toxic metals is a major environmental problem. In a first step, biosorption kinetics and isotherms have been performed at pH 5.0. The equilibrium time was about 5 min and the adsorption equilibrium data were well described by the Langmuir`s equation. The maximum capacity has been extrapolated to 6.44 mg.g-1. The release of nickel ions, from Pseudomonas sp. bye desorption agent such as nitric acid, has been studied. Finally the effects of biomass form, effect of pH values, were studied. These results indicate that the Pseudomonas sp is an excellent candidate for use in reactor to remove nickel ions from polluted aqueous effluents.


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