Document Type : Research Paper


1 Gonbad kavvos university

2 Faculty Member of Gonbad Kavoos University


In order to micro-morphology study of seed Rubus L. seven seed specimens were collected from different habitats in North of Iran stereo and SEM microscopic methods were applied. The characters were evaluated included dimension, shape, size, trichome and ornaments on surface. The results demonstrated that the mean size of seed was 2-4 mm; the biggest pyrenes were seen in R.caesius, R.sanctus and smallest in R.hirtus, R. dolichocarpus. pyrenes were formed in different shapes e.g., reniform (R. caesius), triangular form (R.discolor), elliptical form (R.hirtus, R.dolichocarpus, R.hyrcanus), ovate form (R. persicus) and oblique form (R. sanctus). Ornaments on the endocarp surface were presented variably; proments of surface was varied from low to high in treated species. White color was seen in all examined species. Stellate and simple trichome just presented in R. sanctus. General results confirmed that pyrenes morphology of Rubus were valuable character for identification.


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